Patrick Jered

Patrick Jered

Patrick Jered was born in the UK, but has lived for more than half of his life in The Netherlands. He has a fascination for world music, and writes about music and unusual musical instruments for specialist websites and magazines. Patrick once harboured dreams of being a musician himself, but nowadays confines himself to admiring the greater expertise of others. However, his 2007 CD, Tykhana, did pick up a few good reviews around the world, and still sells the occasional copy on Amazon and iTunes. Finding the Demon’s Fiddle is Patrick’s first full-length book. He is currently working on a collection of short travel stories.
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Patrick Jered

Patrick Jered

Patrick Jered was born in the UK, but has lived for more than half of his life in The Netherlands. He has a fascination for world music, and writes about music and unusual musical instruments for specialist websites and magazines. Patrick once harboured dreams of being a musician himself, but nowadays confines himself to admiring the greater expertise of others. However, his 2007 CD, Tykhana, did pick up a few good reviews around the world, and still sells the occasional copy on Amazon and iTunes. Finding the Demon’s Fiddle is Patrick’s first full-length book. He is currently working on a collection of short travel stories.