80 Questions To Understand India

Eighty questions and answers covering many interesting topics. 80 Questions is a fascinating journey into the complex world of India and all its influences; cultural, geographical, technological and social and the creation and impact of these as well as political and religious forces and how they have impacted upon the people of India.  Murad Baig does not question the importance of faith but argues that ALL religions have been captured by their clergy who set themselves up as ‘agents’ of their faith, leading to distortions, superstitions and religiosity at odds with the original word of the founding sages.  He analyses the five creators of religion: the founding prophets, the apostles, priests, the rulers and the rich as patrons, and finally the common people whose offerings and sacrifices provide power and wealth to the institution of their faith.    Writing on religion can be volatile. Fortunately Murad cannot be accused of being partisan when his answers equally affect Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs and others.  

Agent: Anuj
Edit: Aanchal