A Muslim Woman of the World

A Muslim Woman of the World is part memoir, part social commentary based on the simultaneously stifling but empowering lived reality of being not just a woman but a Muslim woman of this world.

Rosheena Zehra pens a powerful narrative, balancing her very personal experiences with the knowledge and research her background as a journalist in the gender space affords her. This book looks at the many dynamics of being a Muslim woman in contemporary, urban society, examining experiences and flawed expectations imposed on women by outward forces as well as the damaging ideologies internalized through years of microaggressions.

Covering topics like gendered differences in upbringing, prejudices against and dismissal of women’s concerns by health professionals, an internalization of guilt and acceptance of mental and physical abuse, dating culture (or the lack thereof), street harassment and Gedi culture, and the many familial pressures on women and fractured interpersonal relationships, Rosheena paints a vivid picture of life as a Muslim woman in India.

A Muslim Woman of the World is an articulation of the long process of unlearning that each one of us must undergo for the sake of our own mental peace, if nothing else. It is a book that so many of us will find wishing we could have read when we were wide-eyed, naive eighteen-year-olds, struggling to come to terms with our place in a bafflingly patriarchal society.