Starry Starry Murder
Author:Yazad Aria

A haunting crime takes place in the heart of the soft snowy hills of Shimla - the only man who can solve it is a police officer plagued by malaria and ennui.

Sam Contractor, a young police officer, is visiting Old Lodge – a secluded property set atop a snowy hillside in Shimla – for what he hopes will be a soothing, relaxing, and uneventful holiday. Initially, it is. He’s surrounded by friends old and new, and quickly falls in love with the beautiful Deepika Patel.

The Star of Jodhpur, the most magnificent jewel in the world is also present at the Old Lodge, along with its owners, Royalty belonging to the most famous Princely house in the country. They say that the Star is cursed, for it corrupts all those who see it and causes them to lust madly after it.

When Prachi Pandit, one of the other guests, is found brutally murdered, her head bashed in and dangling inside the broken surface of a frozen lake on the property – alongside the chain that once held the Star of Jodhpur, things take a turn.

Because of the harsh weather, everybody is snowed in; nobody can come up to the Old Lodge to offer assistance, and nobody can go down. And falls to the inexperienced, terrified, and temperamental Sam Contractor to avenge Prachi Pandit before the snow melts away and the killer disappears forever.