Yogacara: Mantras & Inspirations to live the life you want

There are billions of cells in our bodies that seek balance and alignment on a daily basis, discarding resistance so that they may return to their natural state of calm. The more calm one feels, the easier it is for the cells to find their alignment, in order to restore and regenerate, preventing the depletion of cells that often manifest in disorders. Yogacara is a means to slow down life’s pace, so that we may learn how to listen.  At a time when the simplicity of life and basic human needs are being challenged, when our connections with our communities, our relationships, our work, our environment, and most importantly ourselves are becoming more and more fragmented, the time has come for change that can only begin with oneself.  The Yogacara philosophy epitomizes an authentic and traditional approach toward healing and revitalization of one’s mind, body, and essential energies. Embodying the ancient wisdom and philosophies of ayurveda, yoga, pranayama, meditation, chakra healing, and the practices of mind, body and spirit, one achieves a level to still the mind, release blocked energy, create harmony in the body and emotions and develop a heightened awareness of one’s well-being, in order to make the necessary changes toward a happier, healthier and more harmonious way of living.  Yogacara: Mantras & Inspirations to live the life you want is about learning to extend simple but important practices into our daily lives, so that we become creators of a new form of power and energy and some new experiences in our lives. Strong, centered and one with the flow of life, where we consciously become aware of the universal laws of cause and effect, so that we may align ourselves to these laws, in creating a simple but powerful life that matters in today’s brave new world we live in.   

Agent: Anuj
Edit: Sharvani