Red Ink Literary and Film Agency was started as a subsidiary of the iconic Bahrisons Bookstore, New Delhi begun by the prolific Balraj Bahri in 1953. It is noted as one of the oldest and most trusted brands in the book trade in India. Over the years, Red Ink has etched a name for itself in not only the Indian literary arena but on the international stage as well. We have consistently been featured in the news as one of the top literary agents in the country.

We represent manuscripts from and about the subcontinent in local and foreign publishing markets. With new and exciting writing emerging from South Asia, we are well placed to sign original manuscripts across most genres, though our areas of specialization remain literary fiction and narrative non-fiction on current affairs. Our main concern, while selling in the international market, is to be able to lessen the gap between Indian and International publishers, for a mutual exchange of ideas and works, and to be able to represent a wide range of Indian writing abroad.
International co-agents
The list of our co-agents and publishers is constantly growing in the Indian sub-continent, United Kingdom, USA, Italy, France, Germany and other European Territories, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Korea and Turkey.
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